Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving Decor

I am slowly adding to my collection of harvest/fall/thanksgiving decor... I don't have a bunch and I don't want to buy something I don't love and won't use for awhile. Here is our downstairs this year!
One of my favorites is walking into the house, or sitting in the house and seeing spurts of small all around and the smell of fall candles!!! Oh my goodness, break me off a piece of THAT!!!


You can't see the other side of the stairs, but up it we strung all the kid's artwork from Thanksgiving over the years. I loved this idea!!

Can you tell I am obsessed with these little annalee dolls? I love to place them in random spots around the house! ;)

Friday, November 20, 2015

School Thanksgiving Treats

Every year, and almost every holiday, we make goodies up for the girls to pass out at school.They look forward to this, I look forward to this and even the classmates do!!
This year, we didn't have a lot of time to get super creative on what to make..(heck when do we have tons of time? when does anyone have extra time) so we made these easy peasy pretzel snacks!! They are SO addicting!! There are so many easy things you can whip up in a jiff!! Here is one!

Hardest part? Unwrapping every single piece of chocolate and trying not to eat them all!

Set oven at 275 degrees

Lay out all pretzels filling a baking sheet
place heresy kiss on top
bake for 3 minutes
take out, and stick whatever you'd like on top (we choose marsh mellows) 

Berlyn's bags:

Kambria's bags:

Monday, November 16, 2015

craft day

Craft days (that are with someone else) are the most fun..... and a plus (when someone else....aka your mamma) pays for the craft day.... ;)

We decided to re-create some Christmas tree's.... these were a lot harder than we had expected. Before you go zooming in on these pictures.. I KNOW they aren't perfect... WHO IS PERFECT??... I will be so excited to display these this Christmas because I will remember back to how much hard work these were to make and remember back to a wonderful craft day with my mom.

Here goes it.
Everything is from hobby lobby.
FYI (we didn't do this) However, spray paint your cones the color you will be using to go over your cones with... example; my white cotton ball one, should of spray painted it white first... it's the things we learn AFTER the craft that actually count! ;)

Hope you enjoy these... Be on the look out for these displayed in my casa in my Christmas post!!! xxxx